Thursday, 17 May 2007

Why Science?

Nothing quite like a big question for a rainy day! This week I was part of an OU group that welcomed a group of Science Managers from the UK Environment Agency. We were exploring areas of mutual interest. I'm also preparing for the launch of the OU ethics centre in which I'm running a workshop with Catherine Cameron reviewing the Stern review on Climate Change. In both cases there's a strong focus on 'Science'. I've nothing against first degree was in Environmental Sciences and I get as hooked as the next person on its explanations for how the world works, on 'scientific evidence' and on how science informs or doesn't inform what we do. But it's a 'catch-all' and whether we want to talk about climate change and adaptation, about technology, about the 'natural' world or about ethics, I don't find it's always helpful to frame it primarily as science. More later on this I think....

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