Thursday, 13 November 2008

Research methods - Denmark

Last week I visited Denmark again for the first time in just over three years to make a contribution to this course on Research Methodologies in Organic Food and Farming Research. My role was to give a bit of an overview and background to systems methodologies as well as getting students to try out a few techniques in the context of their own PhD research. We visited a highly diverse organic farm as part of the course so were able to draw on that experience also. The event was held in a hostel in the forest - simple rooms, log fires, lots of space - wonderful place for such a course and it was great to hear about all the projects going on and to be able to contribute a few ideas.


lisarimestad said...

Dear Chris,
As I've quite a few times enjoyed reading your blog now, I thought to tell you. It's interesting and catching to read and I really enjoy your photos and delicate and sensitive observation of nature. And now it's a fun to see that you've been back to Dyrehaven and Rådvad, where we walked together back in 2001 I think it was :-). Best of luck in work and life and keep writing :-).
Lisa Rimestad

chris said...

Hi Lisa
Good to know you are there! Yes I remember our walk well. It was a Monday morning and it felt very luxurious to be walking at that time which I usually think of as office time. Hope you're well. Best of luck to you too!