Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Whose technology? - not mine?

In the past week I've had to 'register' no less than six times to be able to interact with friends and colleagues in their preferred - different - online spaces. I'm reasonably skilled in using such spaces but nonetheless this takes up time I don't feel I can spare. I'm beginning to experience these so-called opportunities for sharing and learning as an imposition and very much about 'someone else's technology'. In parallel with this we've had lots of issues about group websites - losing a much-visited old one because of a server problem, one new one not being accepted within a working group though well accepted at the next level up, vice versa for the other new one. The time that is taken up in servicing such online communications before actually doing any interaction and the emerging issues of power and participation are I think verging on the unacceptable. Also in parallel I'm experiencing - through emailed instructions - many assumptions that academics should engage more and take more ownership of some aspects of collective activity. My difficulty with all this is that because no face-to-face conversations take place very little checking is done about whether we have the capacity to engage in the ways chosen by those initiating changes. So I'm thinking about what strategy I should adopt? Ignore? Opt in? Opt out? Muddle along? Challenge?

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