Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Doing things differently

Jonathon Porritt reflecting on the 'death throes of capitalism' and 'scary times' says:
"From a sustainability perspective, it’s difficult to exaggerate the significance of this moment. Depth-driven consumerism, underpinned by a corrupt, self-serving and unaccountable financial system, has been at the heart of 20 years of environmental devastation. It’s over. If we chose, we could now do things very differently once we’ve negotiated our way through the recession."

I'm sure he's right where there are cost savings to be made but history has shown that environmental measures that require investment don't do well when times are hard. There must be many different paths to take in the actual process of 'negotiating our way through the recession'. I find it hard to anticipate the systemic effects but like Porritt, think there'll be opportunities as well as problems.

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