Monday 7 January 2008

Kenya - a complex situation

I had a New Year letter with a difference from a friend who has made her life in Kenya. Her story of the politics, emotions, relationships, movement of people and disruption of infrastructure she was experiencing highlighted for me how complex and serious the situation there has rapidly become. Also how variable it is from one part of the country to another and among different communities. Fortunately she feels herself to be in a relatively safe area. But she was highly critical of the international news coverage which she found far from accurate as journalists work to get their soundbytes, based on their own limited experience and interpretation of events. It has made me question the role and nature of journalism in such situations. It's one thing to let the rest of the world know what's going on but quite another to report without understanding the depth of the situation and without acknowledgement of complexity and variability, hence playing into the hands of one group or another. I wonder generally about the nature of the intervention and reaction of the international community. I'm really surprised to see such a turn of events in Kenya and I do so hope that the international community can learn from past occasions in Africa and help ease the situation, not polarise groups or inadvertently extend the conflict as it plays out in front of the world's media.

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