Monday 27 July 2009

Satish Kumar - to be an Earth Pilgrim

Hearing Jonathon's talk made me look for the first Richard Sandbrook memorial lecture, which I'd somehow missed. Good to see a summary of it on Satish Kumar's blog. In his memorial lecture in 2008 he talked about revering Nature and the relationship of 'friendship' with the earth, based on reciprocity. He sees acting like a pilgrim, rather than like a tourist, on Planet Earth as the way to forge the friendship that is needed with the Earth.
"When we are at home, we have a special relationship with a place, and we need to rekindle our relationship with Nature. Perhaps more than just friendship is required – we need to fall back into love with Nature, romance with Nature. And the best way of forging this relationship is to be with Nature, sitting under a tree, working in an allotment, walking on Dartmoor – a pilgrim and not a tourist on Planet Earth."

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