Friday, 12 October 2007

Nuclear 'spin' from 1957

I spent my very early days in Seascale on England's northwest coast. We left just a few months before the 1957 October 10th fire, at the nearby Windscale nuclear reactor. Too early for me to remember but this association with place meant I was both fascinated and horrified to watch the BBC's documentary this week about events at that time. It was stated then that 'error of judgement' of workers at the site had led to the fire. But in practice it was they who put the fire out at considerable risk to themselves and in so doing averted a catastrophe that could have left that part of UK uninhabitable to this day. Political pressure to cut corners to keep up with the US in testing nuclear bombs sounds to have been the main contributor to the fire. The cover-up was an early example of political 'spin' - protecting those at the top. They passed the buck.....disgraceful! ....and to have to wait 50 years to set the record straight!?!?

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