Monday 14 January 2008

Nuclear power?

So our Government's definitely backing a new generation of nuclear reactors. Very interesting to see the diverse views here about whether people feel this is right or wrong. To me it feels a bit like going back in time. When the first round were built it was partly because nuclear power was perceived as a cleaner cheaper option to other possibilities at that time. There was faith in the future that safe long-term ways would be found to dispose of their waste and health and safety issues were played down. As I understand it technology's moved on but we still haven't sorted the disposal of wastes issue nor some of the health and safety issues. Though many see little choice and think that nuclear weighs up well against other options and needs to be part of the solution to our energy supply problems. But if the true costs of the nuclear option were weighed up in terms of waste disposal wouldn't it compare less well with renewable energy options which would be my first choice?

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