Friday 25 January 2008

Thinking on thinking

I deeply admire the writings of Sir Geoffrey Vickers who in retirement from public life wrote to make sense of his experiences. He served as solicitor, soldier, adviser to the National Coal Board and member of a great many public and professional bodies including the Medical Research Council. Looking through his 1970 book Freedom in a Rocking Boat this morning for some readings for students, I found his following comment thought provoking. For me, one of Vickers great skills is in how he captures the dynamics of life. In this introduction to his book he is striving to acknowledge those who have influenced his thinking: sense of indebtedness leaves me dumb. Socialized and humanized by being claimed from birth onwards as a member of so many communicating human groups; ushered into self-awareness through a language, every word of which resonates with the meanings of ancient usage; heir to several cultural traditions, each far too abundant for my assimilation - how can I name or number or know the living and the dead who have shaped my thoughts and me?

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